The Green Paper

A Green Paper is a Government proposal on how to improve something or solve a problem. It doesn’t claim to be the best way or the only way – its real purpose is to encourage thinking and discussion, and to prompt suggestions. It is, therefore, a useful tool in a public consultation as it provides focus and ensures that everyone is working with the same information.

The Department of Social Protection are asking for input from people and organisations, especially those with disabilities, to tell them what they think about the proposals. The consultation is open until the 31sy July 2024. The deadline was extended because people in the disability community asked for more time. You can send the Department your thoughts in writing or by making a video.

This document being shared isn’t the final plan for changing how long-term disability payments work. It’s more like a suggestion about how things could be done differently in the future. There may be other ways or a better way to change things.

The purpose of the Green Paper is to get people thinking about what might be a good idea and to have a focused discussion about how to change disability payments in Ireland.

You can share your thoughts ending us a written document or a video.

The feedback and ideas the Department get will help them come up with a new plan for how the government gives support to people with disabilities. Depending on what people say during this process, the plan  with might be very similar to the one in the Green Paper, or it could be totally different.


There is a lot of information on the Government Website for you to learn more.

An Easy to Read Version of the paper is also available.