About Us

This video was produced in 2024 and funded by Rethink Irealand at the end of the Equality Fund.

This video was produced by Rethink Irealand as part of the Equality Fund 2020-2023.

Who We Are

Our Goals

The National Platform is founded on the right of people with intellectual disabilities to be included as equal citizens with rights as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Platform aims to be the nationally recognised spokes organisation on policy and issues affecting the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. We aim to be represented by our members in public decision-making at all levels of local, regional, and national government.

Goal 1

Make the lives of people with disabilities better: We aim to influence changes in law and policy and in our communities and to be part of the UNCRPD shadow report process.

Goal 2

Empower people like us to become self-advocates: Train our members to understand policy and to be good facilitators and self-advocates.

Goal 3

Use technology to improve communication for our most isolated and marginalised members.

Goal 4

Expand the National Platform nationwide: Strengthen our regional groups and empower them to respond to local events as skilled advocates.

Goal 5

Increase our profile: Promote our unique voice through media and insist on being included in policy consultations.

Meet Our Team

Our Steering Committee

Brian Hayes

Brian Hayes

David Fraughen

David Fraughen

Dermot Lowndes

Dermot Lowndes

Joe McGrath

Joe McGrath

Christina Burke

Christina Burke

Mairead Forde

Mairead Forde

Brian Carroll

Brian Carroll

Our History

In 2011 a group of people got together to talk about setting up an independent self-advocacy organisation.

A steering group of 12 people was elected.

That was the start of the National Platform of Self Advocates.

Genio gave the Platform a grant so that it could set up as an organisation.
In 2015 Atlantic Philanthropies gave the organisation a grant that lasted until 2019.

This allowed the Platform to get an office in the Carmichael Centre in Dublin. This is our base.

After the Atlantic Philanthropies grant was used the National Platform of Self Advocates had no money.

Finian McGrath was the Minister of Disability and he helped the Platform to stay open with small donations.

In 2020 Rethink Ireland awarded the National Platform a grant under the Equality Fund 2020-2023. This provided the opportunity for the steering committee to develop and strengthen the organisation.

The financial and non-financial supports the Platform has received has helped it to grow and develop into a strong Disabled Persons Organisation.

We confidently participate at a national level to influence policy and laws to make our country an inclusive place to live.


Our Supporters

Without support we could not survive.
We would like to acknowledge the people and organisations that have helped us on our journey.
In the beginning, a team from the Centre for Disability Law and Policy (N.U.I.G.), Inclusion Ireland and Seasamh have supported the work of the Platform. They give us advice and information. They also give us other supports when we ask them.

Arthur Cox Solicitors advised us on the legal structure of the organisation and in 2021 supported us to become a company limited by guarantee.

Holohan Lane LLP Solicitors via A&L Goodbody LLP for advising us on the Rethink Ireland contract for the Equality Fund 2020-2024.