Easy to Read Webinar

Inclusion Ireland with the Disability Participation and Consultation Network (DPCN) are running an online webinar event. The event is an introduction to Easy to Read information. This webinar will deliver a general knowledge of European standards for making...

National Transport Authority Consultations

The National Transport Authority have open consultations on route amendments as part of their Connecting Ireland – Rural Mobility Plan. All consultations are open until May 20th 2024. CORK Route-233-amendment...

The Green Paper

A Green Paper is a Government proposal on how to improve something or solve a problem. It doesn’t claim to be the best way or the only way – its real purpose is to encourage thinking and discussion, and to prompt suggestions. It is, therefore, a useful tool in a...

How to write in Plain English

Writing in plain English is very important to make sure that everybody is included and understands what is written. Information should be clear, concise, and easily understood by a wide audience. Here’s a guide to help people write in plain English: 1. Know Your...

Creating Accessible Presentations

When creating presentations take careful consideration of the unique needs and abilities of the audience. Creating accessible presentations include people with intellectual disabilities. This allows everybody to fully participate and benefit from the content. 1....