The Lived Experience of Disability

In today’s digital landscape, where inclusivity and diversity are increasingly valued, the lived experience of disability holds profound significance. Here are compelling reasons why incorporating these narratives is not just beneficial but essential: Authentic...

End of Equality Fund 2020-2023

We are very thankful to Rethink Ireland and the Equality Fund 2020-2023 for funding to develop our organisation and work on our strategic plan. We have benefited from attending the workshops provided and having additional opportunities to network with other groups. We...

Launch of National Platform of Self Advocates Network

Our organisation has developed a strong nationally recognised voice for people with intellectual disabilities. We are establishing a National Network of Local Advocacy Groups to empower people like us to speak up and take their rightful place in their communities and...

DPO Network Position Paper

In November 2023 as part of the DPO Network we launched the network’s 1st position paper. Full Text Watch ISL Video of Paper Plain English Version Watch ISL Video of...

Including People with Intellectual Disabilities in Meetings

Ensuring people with intellectual disabilities are included in meetings makes people feel valued, respected, and empowered to participate fully. Here are some best practices to help you make your meetings more inclusive:   Provide meeting materials in advance:...