Launch of National Platform of Self Advocates Network

Our organisation has developed a strong nationally recognised voice for people with intellectual disabilities. We are establishing a National Network of Local Advocacy Groups to empower people like us to speak up and take their rightful place in their communities and...

DPO Network Position Paper

In November 2023 as part of the DPO Network we launched the network’s 1st position paper. Full Text Watch ISL Video of Paper Plain English Version Watch ISL Video of...

Including People with Intellectual Disabilities in Meetings

Ensuring people with intellectual disabilities are included in meetings makes people feel valued, respected, and empowered to participate fully. Here are some best practices to help you make your meetings more inclusive:   Provide meeting materials in advance:...

Organising Accessible Meetings

Here is a list of things to think about when you are organising a meeting. 1. Choose an Accessible Venue: Pick a venue that everyone can get to easily. Check if there are ramps, elevators, and disabled toilets for people with physical disabilities. Make sure the venue...

Assisted Decision Making

The principles of assisted decision-making are outlined in the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015. These principles are aimed at supporting individuals who may have difficulty making decisions due to intellectual or cognitive impairments. Here are the key...